Flexible Seating the Vintage Way

I have read lots of posts about flexible seating

and always thought it wasn't for me. 
 *I'm too old.  If I get down there, I'll never get up.
*The kids will argue over where they sit.
*It will be too distracting.  No one will get anything done.

But, I'm going for it!

(I like my "nest." Ignore the pile of junk in the hall.)

 Things are changing.  I can't run my classroom the way I did 30 years ago, 10 years ago, or even, the way I did 2 years ago.  I've always tried to give my Ks the best classroom experience they can have.  Some things I've tried have been awesome, and some have crashed in flames!  That's okay.  We are all learning, changing beings, even a vintage teacher.

Here's a tour of our room!

This is the Dress-up center. I absolutely refuse to get rid of creative play centers!  We do Groups every day.  Check out the hat rack I found at Hobby Lobby for $7!  Inside the closet are lots of options for dress-up.  Most of them came from Goodwill. The wheel on the board is our Groups Wheel.  I have 8 groups.  The kids rotate through the groups, going to one per day.  We spend 30 minutes at Groups.  If, for some reason, we don't have Groups,  I will hear about it!  They LOVE Groups!  I see the small table being an option for working Ks.

This the the Blocks Area.  Ks can choose to do their work here.  It's back in a corner, so I see the Ks who need quiet to gravitate to this spot. I'm not sure what's going on the bulletin board, yet.

 This is the Sensory Table.  We're using it as a stand-up table, too.  Under the table, I have a basket of little quilts I made so the Ks can use those as a work spot.

I made some throw pillows.  The beanbags need some help!  I've got to add more stuffing.  I quilt, so I'll use leftover scraps of batting to fill them.  I'm okay with the Ks moving these pillows or beanbags around the room.  We are going to work on returning things to where they belong, so we can find what we need.

Isn't this rug amazing?  Thank you Donors Choose!  We have been funded for a rug and a MacBook.
Under the table, I have crates of clipboards, whiteboards, and chalkboards. 

This is where my co-teacher will be.  I have to admit, I can't give up my desk.  Maybe one day, but not now.  (Notice the donuts on her table!  Tee hee!)

Trapezoid tables...a love-hate relationship.  
My co-teacher took the legs off these tables to make them low for the kids.  They can sit on the floor or use a pillow.  
(You will not see me at one of these! haha)

Our triangle table needs an extra ball box or two.  I'm not giving up chairs completely.  I don't believe that true flexible seating means taking away all of the chairs.  Some students choose a chair. And, I may be old school, but there are times when I want a child to sit in a chair.

I love this arrangement of tables.  This is where I see myself working with small groups or setting up an art or science project.  I especially like the way the front table is lower.  I don't know why, I just do.

We'll see what happens...

I picture happy little children merrily taking their clipboards or iPads to a spot and peacefully doing their work.  I picture polite children sharing the pillows, carpets, balls.  I picture sweet children, carefully returning books, and tools to their proper spots.  

Hey, it could happen!


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